Training Classes

Learn more about upcoming training sessions, networking opportunities, and outreach Training Classes hosted by Connect2DOT and our industry partners. Class-calendar

If you’d like to learn more about using the B2GNow system, please scroll down for system trainings. Please be aware that these are software trainings and are not specific to CDOT procedures.

You may also email with questions about Training Classes.

Training Classes
Class Class Date Status View
Online Certification Application - Vendor Training4/29/2024Open
561 space(s) left
Contract Compliance Reporting - Vendor Training4/30/2024Open
874 space(s) left
Introduction to the System - Vendor training (Recommended prerequisite for all other training classes.)5/8/2024Open
814 space(s) left
Contract Compliance Reporting - Vendor Training5/9/2024Open
925 space(s) left
Bidding Module - Vendor training 5/20/2024Open
131 space(s) left
Concessions Management - Staff Training5/21/2024Open
64 space(s) left
Online Certification Application - Vendor Training5/30/2024Open
962 space(s) left
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