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CDOT Consultant Prequalification

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Thank you for your interest in working with CDOT! CDOT has separate prequalification requirements for Professional Engineering Design Firms interested in doing business with CDOT.

Professional Engineering Consultants interested in providing design and engineering services for CDOT road and bridge construction projects must be prequalified. Sub-consultants must also be prequalified to provide professional services under an awarded contract.

The prequalification application must be completed online through the B2G system. To renew or start a new prequalification application, login to the B2G system with your existing account and or create a new account using the links provided below.

If your firm is interested in DBE or ESB Certification, please click here to start the certification process.

For questions regarding prequalification requirements, please contact Danielle Mire via email at danielle.mire@state.co.us or by phone at 303-757-9418.

If you require technical assistance while completing the form(s), please use our online support form.

To continue, please select one option below.

New Prequalification

My firm does not currently have a B2G account
Create Account

I do not know if my firm has a B2G account or need to reset my password.
Lookup Account

I want to apply for prequalification and I know my B2G username and password.

Renew or Update Prequalification

My firm is currently prequalified and I know our username and password.

My firm is currently prequalified and I do not know my username or password.
Lookup Account

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